Create the home you’ve always imagined.

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Creating thoughtful, custom design solutions for new homes, additions, and renovations in Oregon and Washington, for over 15 years.


Free call, no obligation!

The one thing I appreciated about Don, when my project was all said and done, he was very honest, trustworthy, and worked hard on my behalf. That kind of peace of mind is priceless!
— Carlos Baca // Two-Story Plus Basement Addition
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A well-designed home…

…helps you tell your story the way you want to live it. Your home should be an extension of who you are, a reflection of your values, a place of daily comfort and delight.


Your story. Your dreams. Your memories. Your home.

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Creating that home won’t happen by accident.

It comes as the result of a collaborative process that involves brainstorming ideas, weighing options, making choices, and finally, building the home.


I’m here to help.

Make that process work in your favor with an experienced guide who has been down that road many times.

Contact me and let’s get that process started!